Monday, March 15, 2010

Experts spar over uranium mining’s hazards, benefits

Comment: Great comments on the article.  Investorman put Rockit in his place, we at this blog believes "Rockit" works for the Canadian uranium corp. No to uranium mining and milling!

By John Crane

Published: March 13, 2010
Updated: March 13, 2010
7 Comments | Post a Comment

Experts say uranium mining and milling in Pittsylvania County will lower property values, make it more difficult for farmers to sell their products and greatly increase residents’ risks of illnesses and disease caused by living near a uranium mine.


Posted by investorman on March 15, 2010 at 4:36 pm

Rockit. I have a few things I ‘d like to Educate you in. As a retired Wall Street specialist (which makes me an expert) I have this to offer you.

With the upcoming talks our nation will renew with Russia regarding arms reduction and the implementation of the megatons to megawatts program, means there will be ready processed Uranium in the Market place that would last decades if not longer.

This will cause the value of uranium ore to plummet to a level making the mining and milling process “unprofitable”.

So you are suggesting to operate at a loss.

Now that is not good business and how long will the so called “JOBS” last if we take your advise.

If you keep selling that $10 billion mark to entice ignorant folks(not stupid, as you suggested there is a huge difference), you are the one misleading us. That estimate was back in 2007 while Uranium soared to $150 a pound.

In todays market your ore is only estimated at $4.165 billion minus the operating costs.

Plus you have to consider the maintenance costs after the milling is done or were you thinking the state would pick up that tab.

That would possibly bankrupt the state of Virginia or at the very least cripple our states economy with constant care on something this Pittsylvania county resident didn’t want in the first place. I did my home work while you were still looking at the shiny stars and dreaming.

As we get away from nuclear weaponry, the demand for mining uranium ore will be greatly reduced, making this a bad business investment for the county and the state.

Why would any sane person dig up the most lethal element known when we have all the ready processed ore will ever need in our life time.

Simply because you back a bunch of liars.

Please stop offering your advise to the public you are no expert at anything that I can see.

 All you have done is send out false information.

I checked all my facts I suggest you do the same and please come back with something tangible or don’t come back at all. (Rockit, go to Canada in the BADLands, suit ya! per ACE)

I’ll be watching you.

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