To the editor:
While all of the uranium mining studies, I would like to see the results of the tests done on the liner that will be used to line the hole where the mine tailings will be stored.
Let’s be very short in time and say the tailings will only be a problem of possibly polluting the water table and the surrounding area for a mere 1,000 years (even if we all know it will be much longer).
Let’s see the tests that show this liner will last that long without leaking, splitting or decaying.
I would like to know who will manufacture this so-called miracle liner and exactly how they tested it to be so sure it will last as long as the danger of the tailings will last.
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Some great article for follow up listed below:
Mining on the honor system
Jan 16, 2011 – Rocks were being used to weigh down the liner's patches, ADEQ photos ... when the Southwest's uranium mines closed, the agency's director said. ... post photos on Facebook of child hung upside down; deputies make arrest
ADEQ Allows Mining on the Honor System
One would think that in Arizona, which has the worst mining laws and regulations of any state in the union, the mining industry would realize how good they’ve got it.
It took more than 9 mines after the mine opened for ADEQ to inspect the mine for the first time. When they conducted the inspection, ADEQ inspectors only visited the surface of the mine and did not venture into the 1,250 foot deep mine. Still, they found at least 4 major violations.
- Plans for the mine did not match what was actually built.
- Pumps were not installed to de-water the mine.
- A pipe was sticking out of a lined pond that was supposed to prevent groundwater contamination.
- Permeability tests of rocks in the mine walls had not been performed.
- Pond liners were heavily patched (sometimes with patches over patches) and frequently the patches were weighted down with rocks.
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