Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tell Governor O'Malley: Keep Calvert Cliffs-3 Cancelled! (Uranium Mining is the beginning the cycle of death)

Comment:  Tell the Maryland governor that no one wants nuke plants because nuke plants are not clean or green!  Also send Virginia's governor the same thing plus taxpayers are sick of paying for the greed of corporations!  Also the beginning of the nuke cycle of death is uranium mining and our greedy governor loves France and will agree to lift the ban on uranium after the so call Uranium Study by the NAS, paid for by Virginia Uranium Inc comes back, most of the committee are related to nuke or uranium corporations!  Not exactly a fair and balance study!  No to Nukes, No to Uranium mining and milling!
October 13, 2010

Constellation Energy's decision to end its involvement in the Calvert Cliffs-3 nuclear reactor project--which effectively means the end of Calvert Cliffs-3--is the best news to hit Maryland in a long time!

The demise of Calvert Cliffs-3 not only means lower electricity prices, less radioactive waste piling up on the shores of our Chesapeake Bay, less threat of nuclear meltdown or terrorist attack, but it also offers Maryland the real opportunity to become a national leader in development of safe, clean, affordable renewable and energy efficiency technologies.

Already there are plans to build large offshore wind farms off the entire mid-Atlantic coast, and yesterday Google announced it plans a massive investment to build offshore transmission lines to bring their power to land. Coincidence that Google waited until Calvert Cliffs-3 was cancelled to make that announcement? Perhaps, but it helps pave the way to a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy future.

Unfortunately, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley hasn't gotten the message. Newspapers are reporting today that he has been meeting with officials from Electricite de France in a misguided effort to save Calvert Cliffs-3.

Tell Governor O'Malley to cut it out! Marylanders never wanted a new nuclear reactor on the Bay. O'Malley should be welcoming Calvert Cliffs-3's demise and working even harder to support clean, affordable energy sources rather than trying to prop up giant foreign companies who want to pollute our state with radiati
on and generate electricity no one can afford.

Click the link below to send your letter to Governor O'Malley:

Please feel free to edit the sample letter to reflect your own concerns. And please forward this link to your e-mail lists, friends and colleagues, so they can send a letter to Governor O'Malley as well: