Comment: Makes you feel warm and safe to know the state of VA lays the hands of bunch of part time workers for the state of VA! Write these dudes and demand them to keep the ban on uranium mining in VA!
September 30, 2010
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: The Honorable R. Lee Ware, Chairman
RE: Request for Proposal
Delegate R. Lee Ware, Jr., chairman of the Uranium Mining Subcommittee of the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission, announced today that the Subcommittee is sending out a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking consultancy services to conduct a socioeconomic study on the impacts of uranium mining.
The Coal and Energy Commission's study of uranium mining and its impacts in the Commonwealth began in the early 1980s after a significant deposit, now estimated at 110 million pounds, was identified outside the town of Chatham in Pittsylvania County. After being asked by the General Assembly to review the issue, the Commission oversaw a series of studies to determine whether to lift the moratorium on uranium mining that had been instituted until such studies were complete. No further action was taken at that time.
In 2008, the Commission created the Uranium Mining Subcommittee to oversee, through the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research, a technical study of uranium mining by the National Academy of Sciences and undertake any other study that might assist the full Commission in its determination and recommendation of the appropriate policy on uranium mining and milling in the Commonwealth.
The Subcommittee determined to create parallel studies of the technical and socioeconomic impacts of uranium mining and milling. The technical study, which is being conducted by the National Research Council, will examine the scientific, technical, environmental, human health and safety, and regulatory aspects of uranium mining and milling across the Commonwealth. The results of the technical study are expected December 1, 2011. The RFP is the initiation of the socioeconomic study, which is intended to provide a complementary analysis to the technical study.
The study is being funded through a grant by the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission and is not expected to exceed $200,000. Proposals are due on November 15, 2010. Inquiries on the RFP should be directed to Dr. Michael E. Karmis, Director of the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research, at (540) 231-7057 or
To view the RFP or for more information on the Commission and the work of the Subcommittee, go to:
The Honorable R. Lee Ware, Jr, chairman
The Honorable Charles W. Carrico, Sr.
The Honorable William R. Janis
The Honorable Watkins M. Abbitt, Jr.
The Honorable Clarence E. Phillips
The Homorable Onzlee Ware
The Honorable John C. Watkins
The Honorable Phillip P. Puckett
The Honorable Frank W. Wagner
Harry D. Childress
Individuals requiring interpreter services or other special assistance should contact Committee Operations at (804) 698-1540, TDD (804) 786-2369. Persons making audio-visual presentations to the committee should call for specifications.