Roanoke River Basin Association
August 6, 2010
The Honorable Governor Bev Perdue
Office of the Governor
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
Subject: Uranium Mining and Milling in Virginia
The Roanoke River Basin Association (RRBA) would like to make you aware of a potential environmental impact to the waters of the Roanoke River Basin that could arise as result of uranium mining and milling in the south side of Virginia. Most likely you have heard of the discovery of a large deposit of uranium in the area near Coles Hill, which is within the Roanoke River Basin. A new company, Virginia Uranium Mining, has petitioned the lifting of a ban against such mining in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The issue of health and safety as well the quality of water has been raised by many who oppose lifting the ban. The matter has stirred much controversy in the Commonwealth. As a result, there are now four separate studies of the socio-economic and environmental impact of uranium mining and milling in Virginia and in the area. They are in various stages of progress. A summary table of the studies is attached to this letter for your review.
In a recent RRBA Board Meeting a resolution was passed by the RRBA, requesting the Commonwealth of Virginia and all agencies undertaking studies, to do so in non-bias and scientifically accurate manner. We have urged all to await the results of these studies, prior to taking a position supporting or opposing uranium mining and milling in this area of the Basin. We await such study results and after due diligence will decide on what position the RRBA will take.
The RRBA also urges the State of North Carolina through the Environmental Management Commission and the Division of Water Quality in the Department of Environment Natural Resources (NCDENR), to establish a monitoring project on this issue. This will be to insure protection of the waters of North Carolina.
Yours truly,
Gene Addesso