Monday, August 16, 2010

National Academy of Sciences' study of URANIUM MINING in Virginia: Conflict of Interest

Please email Mary at about the NAS Study of Uranium in Va which is paid by the Virginia Uranium Inc who is part own by the Canadians.  The study has several members with ties with uranium mining and nuclear power, so VUI got what they paid for because the study is flawed.  Email Mary now!

From Olga:

Your support is needed to ensure that the National Academy of Sciences' study of URANIUM MINING is conducted in the most transparent and  objective manner.

Your response is needed by COB Tuesday, August 17, 2010. REPLY to

The study of uranium mining of this magnitude has never been undertaken before. The scope of the study is vast and complex; it includes issues from legal framework to public health and safety to mining methods to
reclamation and waste management to cultural issues to geology, climate
and water management.

The findings will not only be relied upon by the Virginia General Assembly in deciding whether to allow uranium mining in the Commonwealth but will also set precedent for the entire uranium mining industry in the United States and the rest of the world.

 If Virginia allows uranium mining, it may spur exploration and mining in other states on the East Coast, as potential uranium deposits have been detected in many locations, from New Jersey all the way to Florida.

The National Academy of Sciences is currently forming the study committee and has recently released the names of the provisional committee members selected to conduct the uranium mining study.

Four of the proposed committee members appear to have conflicts of interest due  to their ties with uranium mining companies.

In addition, the proposed study committee lacks a number of experts needed to examine specific issues included in the scope of the study.

Please help us bring these problems with the study committee composition to the National Academy of
Sciences' attention by signing the joint comments on the composition of the provisional committee attached to this message.

Thank you for your support of this very important matter that has a potential of affecting the entire East Coast.

You can view the Statement of Task of the uranium mining study at:
You can read the provisional committee members' bios at:

Mary Olson
NIRS Southeast
828-252-8409 / cell 828-242-5621

From: Olga 

Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 2:34 PM

To: Mary Olson

Cc: Cindy Folkers

Subject: Comments on the Composition of the Provisional Committee for Uranium Mining Study

Dear Mary,

Thank you very much for your willingness to help to collect signatures for the comments on the composition of the provisional committee for the uranium mining study.

The final draft of the comments is attached to this email. It is good for distribution.

Currently, the comments have been signed by Dan River Basin Association, Roanoke River Basin Association, Southside Concerned Citizens and a number of concerned citizens mostly from Southside VA.

Our goal is not only to make these comments look as credible as possible in the eyes of NAS but also to spread the information about proposed uranium mining to other parts of the Commonwealth and the surrounding states.

Again thank you very much for your help in advance.

Olga K