Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Selling our souls (uranium mining)

Comments:  According to USGS, we have young water and fracture rocks which has ruin our water, that is enough to stop uranium mining ever in VA!

By Published by The Editorial Board
Published: July 20, 2010

To the editor:

The Danville Regional Foundation is currently reviewing proposals from two firms to conduct a socioeconomic study of the effects of uranium mining, milling and long-term waste management on this area.

The proposals are available online at DRF’s website and public comment is invited.

I have read both proposals and remain convinced that the only study necessary is that of a “worst-case scenario.”

Anything more is simply time and money wasted on deciding how much money will it take for us to be willing to gamble all we have and all our children will have.

Calculated facts and figures (still guesses) mean nothing in the aftermath of natural or manmade disaster, and all one has to do is open a newspaper to see how common they (disasters) are.

In the mining scenario, “risk management” is an oxymoron. There is only risk, save for a few. Should the moratorium be lifted, the risk will be not only ours but our “innocent bystander” neighbors throughout this state and surrounding ones. Thirty years, plus or minus, of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

So if the only interest is arriving at that dollar figure, I suppose either company will do. I guess they know more about what our souls are worth than we do.

Chatham, VA
