A Hard Rain
David | MySpace Video
Comment: The so call Virginia Commission on Coal and Energy Uranium Mining Sub-Committee has no Pittsylvania County representatives and the committee does not have local citizens on the committee! The so call Virginia Commission on Coal and Energy Uranium Mining Sub-Committee is really a pro mining and therefore, should not be legal committee to invoke any studies on the citizens of Pittsylvania County, VA. Therefore, this blog calls the whole study illegal and a waste of monies of the TIC! But please come to the meeting and voice your ideas to their so call study! Also review the problems Down Under with uranium mining! No to uranium mining!
Virginia Commission on Coal and Energy Uranium Mining Sub-Committee Meeting:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 6:00 p.m.
Chatham High School Auditorium
100 Cavalier Circle
Chatham, VA 24531
Chatham, VA 24531
I. Welcome & Call to Order: Delegate Lee Ware, Chairman
II. Public Comment on Scope of Study
The Sub-Committee on Uranium Mining invites members of the public to recommend points of concern that should be included in the scope of the socioeconomic study on uranium mining in the Commonwealth. Speakers will be provided with three minutes to address the sub-committee and may not cede their
time to other speakers. A sign-up list will be available at least one hour prior to the start of the hearing. Comments should be specific to the scope of the socioeconomic study on uranium mining and not on whether uranium mining should be permitted generally.
The Sub-Committee on Uranium Mining also welcomes written comment on the scope of the study through June 30, 2010. Please send correspondence to the Coal & Energy Commission, c/o Ellen Porter, Division of Legislative Services, 910 Capitol Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 or eporter@dls.virginia.gov.
The preliminary draft is available in hard copy at the meeting and on the website for the Coal and Energy Commission at:
III. Discussion
IV. Adjourn
Sub-Committee Members
The Honorable R. Lee Ware, Jr., Chair The Honorable John Watkins The Honorable Charles W. Carrico, Sr. The Honorable Phillip P. Puckett The Honorable William R. Janis The Honorable Frank W. Wagner
The Honorable Watkins M. Abbitt, Jr. Mr. Harry Dean Childress The Honorable Clarence E. Phillips The Honorable Terry G. Kilgore, Ex Officio
Staff :
Ellen Porter & Marty Farber, Division of Legislative Services, (804) 786-3591
Bill Owen, House Committee Operations, (804) 698-1540