Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Uranium comments due

Letter: Katie Whitehead

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Uranium comments due

The Uranium Mining Subcommittee seems to have forgotten about the public comments it solicited earlier in its study process regarding the social and economic implications of uranium mining and milling in Virginia.

It may be necessary to resubmit comments already contributed.

The subcommittee’s deadline for written comments is today, June 30.

Though the subcommittee indicated in December 2009 that an initial public hearing specifically on the socioeconomic study would be held in Pittsylvania County, the June 22 hearing at Chatham High School may be the only public hearing before the subcommittee approves a final socioeconomic study scope.

All of the comments directed to the subcommittee since its creation in November 2008 should be part of the record and should be considered as the subcommittee finalizes the scope of its socioeconomic study.

You can ask the subcommittee to include earlier contributions, and you can submit/resubmit comments to:

Coal & Energy Commission
c/o Ms. Ellen Porter, staff attorney
Division of Legislative Services
910 Capitol Street, Richmond
Va. 23219
(804) 786-3591

Katie Whitehead, chair, Dan River Basin Association Mining Task Force
Chatham, VA