Monday, June 28, 2010

From the gulf shore to Va. ore (uranium mining)

We have hurricanes in VA, look at flooding near Coles Hill!

Comment: Look at the most important info of the article which is the root of all the problems of uranium mining, it will ruin our water but also our land and air: " regional resource possibly threatened by uranium mining: water". Also, VA, uranium is located all of VA, join our fight against Uranium Mining because you will be next! No to uranium mining and milling!

Published: June 27, 2010

Landlocked and 1,000 miles away, Walter Coles needn't worry about tar balls from the BP oil disaster soiling the sylvan hills near Chatham where his people have lived since the 1700s.

The real threat: a possible wave of economic repercussions.

Coles wants to mine a giant deposit of uranium beneath his handsome estate and cattle farm, and neighbor Henry Bowen's spread. Worth billions despite a dip in prices, it's the nation's largest untouched lode of the stuff. Ore literally pokes through the sun-baked hardpan. (the $10 billion was at uranium price was $100 or over, not the price of Ur a lb is $41, current price of ore is only $4 billion (includes inflation, 70 per cent price drop, the mill would be closed if open! Ace))

Less visible are answers to economic and cultural questions associated with mining. In the gulf catastrophe, there may be clues for government researchers considering the dollars and sense of having a uranium mine in the neighborhood.

Coles and his partners offer their spin: 350 jobs, $23 million in wages and benefits, $140 million in annual revenue -- more than twice the combined revenue of 1,200 Pittsylvania County farms -- $400 million in startup spending, a $300 million ripple through the economy. (remember the jobs are based on $10 billion, not $4 billion, no 350 jobs there, it was not a study, but just a letter about the scoping. Ace)

These figures could be difficult to dispute, and not just because Virginia bows to business. Pleading poverty on a $1 million scientific study now being paid for by Coles' company, the state might spend $200,000 studying the socioeconomic effects of mining.

Coles et al. have $25 million -- there's more where that came from -- for costs technical and political.

Three legislators with a big say in energy policy, including Powhatan Republican John Watkins, went to France on the firm's dime, touring reclaimed uranium mines.

Having merged with Canada's Santoy Resources, Virginia Uranium is on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Coles and 31 other local investors hold tons of stock and now have access to a world of capital.

In Louisiana, there is anger over the Deepwater Horizon blowout despoiling beaches, fisheries and rookeries. But there is outrage over Barack Obama's bid to briefly freeze deepwater drilling, further weakening the state's economy.

In Southside, where globalization killed textiles and litigation has another mainstay, tobacco, wheezing, could that happen because of one uranium mine?

That means revenue from a mineral tax -- struggling coal counties have such a levy -- could swing sharply. The collapse of uranium prices killed an earlier effort at mining. What might the effect be on a going concern on the cusp of a supposed nuclear renaissance? (The ore is down to $41 per lb. not $100 when this mess first started plus we do not need uranium out of the group for nukes, enough weapons to fuel the Nukes 4/ever but Ace hates the nuke plants - nuke cycle is the cycle of death! Ace)

But economics are drowned out by emotion.

Coles' venture, stymied by a 1982 ban on uranium mining that lawmakers could lift in 2012, fuels what locals say is their civil war.

Coles was accused by foes of a conflict of interest because he's on a public board that oversees a prized regional resource possibly threatened by mining: water.

In Pittsylvania, they're getting down to where the dogs can get to it.

Contact Jeff E. Schapiro at (804) 6496814 or
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