Monday, May 31, 2010

'Uranium is the new asbestos': union ban on nuclear work

Comment:  No to uranium mining, the beginning of the nuke cycle of death!

May 31, 2010

The Electrical Trades Union has banned its members from working in uranium mines, nuclear power stations or any other part of the nuclear fuel cycle.

The union says uranium is the new asbestos in the workplace.

The ban will apply to ETU members in Queensland and the Northern Territory and breaching it could lead to expulsion, said ETU state secretary Peter Simpson.

"We are sending a clear message to the industry and the wider community that vested interests in the uranium and nuclear industries are trying to hoodwink us about this dangerous product and industry," Mr Simpson said in a statement.

"Corporate interests, and their political supporters in the Labor and Coalition parties, are also trying to buy working families off with high wages, while denying the true short-term and long-term health risks of such jobs."

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