Thursday, February 18, 2010

Squirrely stance (on uranium milling and mining)

Comments:  A great letter, Ms. WORSLEY and so true!  Also great comment, Howe!  No to uranium mining and milling! (Article about Mega Park follows)
By Published by The Editorial Board
Published: February 18, 2010

To the editor:

I find it hugely disappointing, as I’m sure so many of my fellow Pittsylvania County and Danville voters do, that our representatives on the Board of Supervisors, City Council and Danville Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority are so squirrelly on taking a stance against uranium mining in the proposed Berry Hill megapark.

They’re saying, basically, the following: “Uranium mining is not going to happen, but we’re not willing to put it in writing. We’re not going to sign our name to it. We’re not going to promise you, our constituents, that it may not happen in the future.

What we are going to do is find a prohibitive resolution unnecessary and table it so we can change our minds later if it means more money.”

Makes you want to go “Hmmmmmm,” doesn’t it?

Take that thought to the voting booth with you next time.


Posted by howe on February 18, 2010 at 2:31 pm

You’ve hit the nail right on the head. We’re taking about a potentially HUGE amount of money. Some in the area would wager a “possible” short term gain at the expense of radioactive contamination for many lifetimes.

I say “possible” because it’s been touted that this endeavor will bring high paying jobs back to the area. That is a foolish assumption unless it is explicit in any final contract.

I also think it foolish to have any faith in a “scientific study” to determine whether mining and milling is safe in an area as populated as Danville.

Many of our so called “scientists”... paid enough money…will gladly find ANY conclusion you want…and fabricate data to prove it. I would cite the “global warming” hoax. Remember…we’re talking HUGE amounts of money here.

Linda is right. There is still time. Vote every one of these fools out of government…even the ones who voted against mining…more than likely they are posers…voting against to make it look good.

Vote in fresh new anti-mining folks. It’s our only chance…otherwise this thing is a done deal.

Linda has brought into focus for me that NONE of the folks on ANY of these councils are trustworthy.


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