Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
Division on Earth and Life Studies National Research Council of the National Academies
November 15-16, 2010
Melrose Hotel
2430 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20037
Project Title: Uranium Mining in Virginia
Major Unit: Division on Earth and Life Studies
Sub Unit: Board on Earth Sciences & Resources
Water Science and Technology Board
RSO: Feary, David
Subject/Focus Area: Earth Sciences
Meeting 2: Uranium Mining in Virginia
November 15, 2010 - November 16, 2010
Keck Center
500 5th Street, NW
Washington D.C. 20001
If you would like to attend the sessions of this meeting that are open
to the public or need more information please contact:
Contact Name: Courtney Gibbs
Phone: 202-334-2744
Fax: 202-334-1377
DRAFT AGENDA (Subject To Change)
Day 1: Monday, November 15, 2010 ROOM TBD
8:00 am -1:30 pm CLOSED SESSION [Committee and NRC Staff Only]
1:30 pm-5:30 pm OPEN SESSION
1:30-1:40 pm Welcome and Introductions
Federal Agency Presentations
1:40 pm U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2:40 pm Mine Safety and Health Administration
3:10-3:30 pm BREAK
3:30 pm Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4:30 pm National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety
5:00 pm ADJOURN
Day 2: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 ROOM TBD
8:00 am -10:10 am OPEN SESSION
8:00-8:30 am Breakfast in meeting room
8:30-8:40 am Welcome and Introductions
8:40 am TBD
9:10 am TBD
9.40-10:10 Open Comment Period
{Sign-up list for public comments is available and those who have signed-up will be given priority; comments will be time-limited}
10:10 am-5:30 pm CLOSED SESSION [Committee and NRC Staff Only]
This meeting is being held to gather information to help the committee conduct its study. This committee will examine the information and material obtained during this, and other public meetings, in an effort to inform its work. Although opinions may be stated and lively discussion may ensue, no conclusions are being drawn at this time; no recommendations will be made. In fact, the committee will deliberate thoroughly before writing its draft report. Moreover, once the draft report is written, it must go through a rigorous review by experts who are anonymous to the committee, and the committee then must respond to this review with appropriate revisions that adequately satisfy the Academy's Report Review committee and the chair of the NRC before it is considered an NRC report. Therefore, observers who draw conclusions about the committee's work based on today's discussions will be doing so prematurely.
Furthermore, individual committee members often engage in discussion and questioning for the specific purpose of probing an issue and sharpening an argument. The comments of any given committee member may not necessarily reflect the position he or she may actually hold on the subject under discussion, to say nothing of that person's future position as it may evolve in the course of the project. Any inference about an individual's position regarding findings or recommendations in the final report is therefore also premature.
Closed Session Summary Posted After the Meeting
The following committee members were present at the closed sessions of the meeting:
The following topics were discussed in the closed sessions:
The following materials (written documents) were made available to the committee in the closed sessions:
Date of posting of Closed Session Summary:
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