Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Virginia governor quits wind energy coalition

Comment:  Gov, be ashamed of yourself, are the nukes (France) chasing you?  Wind and solar is a lot cheaper than blowing up VA hillsides for uranium mining and the taxpayers paying for nuke plants!  Gov, we want true green power, not glowing in the dark power!

By Jim Snyder -
04/01/10 05:05 PM ET

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, is removing his state from the Governor’s Wind Energy Coalition after the group sent a letter supporting a national renewable electricity mandate he opposes  :

Here's the termination letter:

McDonnell says he supports wind power, particularly off his state’s windy coasts.

“I am concerned, however, that a mandated standard could increase energy prices for Virginia consumers,” McDonnell wrote to the executive director of the coalition, which now includes 28 governors as members.

McDonnell said the wind energy coalition's letter was sent without his approval.
