Friday, April 9, 2010

Tell your Senators: No nukes in climate bill (true cost: The Cycle of Death from uranium mining to nuke plant)

Comment: Tell your senators no to nukes in the Climate Bill, we want true green energy which will provide a lot more of true American jobs and not give our monies to foreign Nuke bunch! No to Nukes, therefore, no need for uranium mining!  Vote Now!

April 8, 2010

Published reports indicate that Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) will unveil their new climate bill in the next week or two. And these published reports also indicate that the bill will be larded with taxpayer giveaways to the nuclear power industry. In other words, taxpayers would be subsidizing giant companies like General Electric, Progress Energy, Electricite de France, Exelon, Duke Power, Areva, Westinghouse and more.

Wasting taxpayer money on nuclear power--which is both ineffective at reducing carbon emissions (its carbon footprint is 6 times greater than wind power for the same amount of electricity, 2-3 times greater than solar) and remains the most dangerous and expensive electricity source available--is no way to fight climate change. In fact, it would be counterproductive.

Let's stop the climate bill from becoming just another taxpayer gift to huge energy companies! Send a letter to your Senators below and tell them to reject nuclear power in a climate bill, and instead to come up with real climate solutions.

As always, feel free to edit this letter to reflect your own concerns and issues. And please ask your family members, friends and colleagues to send letters too. Just send them to this address:

The nuclear industry has spent more than $650 million over the past decade to get to this point. It's going to take all of us, working and acting together and reaching out to as many people as possible, to counter that kind of influence.

Thank you for your actions!

Click below to send to Tell your Senators: No nukes in climate bill: