Tuesday, April 13, 2010

McDonnell to talk energy at ODU Tuesday

Comment:  Does this dude understand that nuke power will be paid for by taxpayers?  Does this dude understand is that France is a failure at nuke power and uranium mining, that France has to buy power from Europe and both nuke power and uranium mining has ruin the water in France?  Well Ace posted the picture because his hair is messed up!  No to Uranium Mining, France, are you chasing Virginia uranium thru the gov? 

Gov. Bob McDonnell will visit Old Dominion University to promote his energy plans for Virginia.

McDonnell, keynote speaker at ODU's "Engineering Unplugged" event, takes an "all of the above" approach to Virginia's energy needs.

An advocate for coal-mining and nuclear power, McDonnell also calls for wind farms, and offshore oil and natural gas exploration.

The latter received a boost March 31 when President Barack Obama announced he would open parts of the East Coast, including Virginia, to offshore drilling. Virginia lawmakers praised the move while neighboring states and environmental activists oppose opening the coast to drilling.

Please read the comment:
This coal mining disaster is the epitome of Republican Party, “Conservative Labyrinth” economic planning since the late 70’s. PROFIT over fair wages and safety of the working class with a side of UNION BUSTING and TAX EVASION. Republicans have devastated the regulatory side of government, the rich and powerful have bought off politicians, judges, inspectors to achieve these ends.

Most card carrying conservatives don’t even know their own ideological CREDO. “Limited intervention in the economy. Substantial intervention in morality”. This means let the RICH/POWERFUL do whatever they please while finger pointing and preaching to the average Joe and Jane Schmuck.

Can ANY Republican/Conservative out there explain to me how DEREGULATION ever worked in the best interests of the American PEOPLE! And I don’t care WHAT those 5 Conservative elitists on the Supreme Court say… I’m going to stand firm in the belief that CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE!

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