Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It’s just not safe (uranium mining)

Comment:  Great Letter and so true, uranium mining ruins the Earth!

By Published by The Editorial Board
Published: March 29, 2010

To the editor:

God has endowed our area with many things of value, and one of the most valuable natural resources is water. Please consider this.

The promoters of uranium mining are being paid or expect to be paid.

None of the letter writers supporting uranium mining here have given an example of where it has been mined and not caused pollution.

The pollution from mining here may spread from Coles Hill to Virginia Beach and last for 1,000 years.

When Chatham becomes a ghost town, Hargrave Military Academy and Chatham Hall have shut down and the new Agriculture Complex is no more, it will be too late to realize that uranium mining was a very, very bad idea.

Keeling, VA

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