Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ask your representative to hold uranium companies accountable

Comments: Ace votes but he does not live in CO but we all need to vote against uranium mining and milling all over the world. Our energy needs to be clean and green energy and nuke powers are not green or clean!

Uranium operations can pose significant threat to public health and the environment, including toxic metal contamination of groundwater, cancer-causing radon emissions from waste tailing ponds, and toxic contamination of soil.

That's why we're backing new legislation to bring accountability to this the uranium business. Colorado representatives will soon consider legislation to require uranium processing facilities to clean-up toxic pollution before those companies can expand operations.

The Uranium Processing Accountability Act, House Bill 1348, has bipartisan support and is sponsored by Rep. Buffie McFadyen (D-Pueblo West) and Sens. Bob Bacon (D-Fort Collins) and Ken Kester (R-Las Animas). This legislation would require uranium companies to clean-up their toxic mess before expanding operations, to notify homeowners of nearby groundwater contamination, and to help ensure taxpayers aren’t on the hook for clean-up costs.

Please take action today and ask your state representative to support this legislation by filling out the form to right.

The letter:

Please support HB 1348 - Uranium Processing Accountability Act

Letter *

Dear Representative,

Please support the Uranium Processing Accountability Act, House Bill 1348.

If uranium companies want to continue doing business in Colorado, then they need to have a clean track and be held accountable to cleaning up existing on site problems. Colorado taxpayers and communities shouldn't have to pay the price for the clean up of toxic, radioactive waste at uranium processing facilities.

Colorado's only licensed uranium mill owned by the Cotter Corporation has had 99 violations in just the last ten years, and taxpayers have already spent nearly $1 billion dollars in clean up costs at past uranium mill sites in Colorado alone.

It's important that we require uranium companies to clean up their toxic mess before expanding operations, to notify homeowners of nearby groundwater contamination, and to help ensure taxpayers aren't on the hook for clean-up costs.

Again, please vote "yes" for House Bill 1348.


Click on the link below and vote, even if you do not live in CO, the whole US will be threaten from mining: