Friday, February 26, 2010

Stop toxic uranium pollution

Comment: Okay, now we are in Colorado, uranium mining is not safe anywhere and we need to help one another to stop the mining! Click the links and tell CO state leaders not to polluate the water with uranium mining and forward theletter to VA Leaders and demand to ban uranium mining and milling now!
Colorado's drinking water and treasured landscapes are important to our state and deserve the utmost protection.

Yet, mining companies have time and time again argued against common sense protection of our water, land, and communities. In 2007, the Cotter Corporation said they should be exempted from environmental protections so they could dump pollution containing lead and arsenic onto our lands and into our waters. And in Northern Colorado, the Canadian company Powertech continues to argue against clean water protections that would require them to clean up their mess and restore groundwater quality to its pre-mining condition.

We have until Mar. 1 to submit public comments to Colorado's Mined Land Reclamation Board. We need to tell the board that we want to close the Cotter uranium pollution loophole, create new provisions to protect our groundwater from uranium, and ensure that all mining companies play by the rules.

Take action today by filling out the form on the right!

The State of Colorado requests that you include your name, phone number, and street address with your official comments. Your contact information will be kept confidential.

Follow these 3 easy steps to help out.

1. Look over the message to the right, and feel free to add your own comments. Using your own words makes the message more meaningful.
2. Sign the letter by filling in the form to the right. We will not share your information with anyone else.
3. Click the link to send your message:

Re: HB08-1161 & SB08-228 rulemaking

Letter *

Dear members of the Mined Land Reclamation Board:

I am writing to you today in support of protecting our water and our lands from the impacts of uranium mining and to ensure that the public is heard on issues of mine prospecting.

The final rules for House Bill 08-1161 and Senate Bill 08-228 should adhere to the following principles:
*Uranium companies should be held accountable for cleaning up their mess and returning groundwater quality to its original state that existed before any mining or mine prospecting took place.
*All uranium companies should play by the rules as a "designated mining operation" and submit environmental plans to minimize the impacts of toxic uranium pollution on our land, water and communities.
*The public, local governments, and other stakeholders must be notified about mine prospecting activities and have the right to submit comments on proposed prospecting permits.
*The public and stakeholders should have the ability to appeal mine prospecting permit decisions to ensure that the environment and public health are protected in those decisions.

Very sincerely,

Click the link below to go to the letter: